Find a Funeral Director

Arranging a funeral for a loved one can seem a daunting prospect. There are many decisions to be made and it can all be a little overwhelming.

A good Funeral Director will help you and your family through this incredibly difficult time. Musgrove Willows always encourage members of the public to purchase a coffin through a Registered Funeral Director. Their professional help can be invaluable.

Over the past decade, Musgrove Willows has supplied willow coffins and ashes caskets to Funeral Directors across the UK. Our coffins have passed rigorous testing for weight, strength and environmental impact and are suitable for any burial or cremation.

If you experience any difficulty in ordering one of our willow coffins, please get in touch.

The funeral homes detailed below have recommended our products for many years. They recognise the quality of our Somerset made coffins and caskets.

JC Atkinson
AJ Wakely & Sons
Christophers Family Funerals
Dandelions Farewells
CV Gower
Woodland Wishes
Town & Country
Stoodly & Son
Robson & Stephens
Peter Smith & Son
The Natural Death Centre
L Clarke, Dafforn, RP Byrom
The Individal Funeral Company
Heart & Soul
Green Undertakings
Forsey & Son
Family Tree
Douch Family
Divine Ceremony
C Bastock